SPOE – Student Professional Oklahoma Educators

If you like being on the front lines of new and developing organizations, SPOE is bringing some new things to the table and you could have the opportunity to be involved in shaping how these transpire. We are working to develop new statewide events and awards. This is the kind of change that can only happen with an organization that focuses on the local student and teacher.

Why should you join SPOE?
Protection. Networking. Money-saving Benefits.
Before you step foot in a classroom, make sure you are protected.

  • $2 Million Liability Insurance – While this is actually a feature we hope you never have to use, it is the best liability insurance policy you will receive either as a pre-service teacher or as a teacher.
  • Access to Attorneys– Our attorneys are experts in Education and Labor Law in Oklahoma. Your membership dues include access to them for any questions you may have.
  • Inexpensive Membership Dues – Membership in SPOE is $20 per year. When you become a teacher, the related professional organization, POE, is also the least expensive organization for educators.
  • Oklahoma-Based Organization – All funds that go to SPOE stay in Oklahoma and are not funneled off to a larger national organization. As a student member your dues are used for things that pertain directly to you.
  • Sister Organizations – If you do not intend to stay in Oklahoma after graduation, SPOE is still a great place to get involved. There are sister organizations in 27 states, and SPOE is a jump-start for you to get involved in a state organization that will support you as a teacher.

Benefits of Joining an Education Association

From professional development to networking to leadership experience, an education association can provide opportunities and enhance your skills prior to going into the teaching profession. Plus, you can highlight these experiences on your resume. Here are more benefits of joining an education association:

  • Professional Learning – Education associations provide you with beneficial professional learning that takes you above and beyond the classroom experience, as well as help you become familiar with the teaching profession.
  • Networking – Education associations provide you with opportunities to network with other educational professionals.
  • Leadership Experience – Officer positions are available and provide excellent opportunities to develop your leadership skills that you can take to your school and beyond.
  • Collaboration Skills – As you work with other members of the education association to complete a project or conduct an event, you are developing your skills as a productive team member.
  • Shopping Perks – Get discounts for things like travel, electronics, cell phones and shopping.
  • Resume Building – Student membership demonstrates a desire to be active in your profession and involvement in activities gives you something to talk about in an interview.